How Thick Should Banana Bread Batter Be? (+ recipes!)

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If you’re wondering “how thick should banana bread batter be?”, you’ve come to the right place. We’re answering this question (with photos) and helping you to fix banana bread batter that is too thick or thin in a few easy steps. We’re also sharing some delicious vegan banana bread recipes with you!

How thick should banana bread batter be?

It should be a thick but semi-pourable consistency; thicker than pancake batter or caramel sauce but definitely not as thick as cookie dough or ice cream.

Banana bread batter is too thin if:

  • It can be poured in a steady stream from one cup to another (like a liquid)
  • You cannot easily pick it up on a spoon

Banana bread batter is too thick if:

  • You can scoop it up with an ice cream scoop
  • It does not fall off the spoon when a spoonful is turned on its side

So, what consistency should banana bread batter be?

  • You should have a thick batter that’s a little bit lumpy (but without any dry patches of flour)
  • The batter should move and jiggle when you move the mixing bowl (without the mixture splashing up)
  • When stirred, the batter should return to its original place when you remove the spoon (not stay in peaks or clumps)
  • It should fall off a spoon in a thick stream (with a few clumps) rather than a thin stream like a sauce or cream
  • It should be a little thicker than most sponge cake batters and a slightly thinner consistency than very well-mashed bananas

This is the perfect homemade banana bread batter consistency (and you can also see the consistency in this video):

A photo showing how thick should banana bread batter be

Quick Links:

Banana bread batter too thick? Here’s what to do:

If your banana bread batter is too thick, it is likely the result of too much flour. This can cause dry and crumbly banana bread.

Here’s what to do if banana bread batter is too thick:

If your banana bread batter is particularly dry – Add a couple of tablespoons of melted coconut oil and then thin the batter to the desired consistency using dairy-free milk or water. Coconut oil helps to create a moist banana bread.

If your banana bread batter only needs thinning a little – Add 1-2 tablespoons of dairy-free milk or water until your batter reaches the right consistency.

What should banana bread batter look like?  Like this!

A photo showing the perfect consistency for banana bread batter

Banana bread batter too thin? Here’s how to fix it:

If your banana bread batter is too thin, it is likely the result of too much liquid. A thin batter can result in a cake that does not bake or rise, and with add-ins (e.g. nuts or chocolate chips) that sink to the bottom of the cake.

Here’s what to do if your banana bread batter is too thin:

If your banana bread batter is slightly too thin – Add 1-2 tablespoons of self-raising flour (or plain/all purpose flour plus a pinch of baking powder) and whisk in gently until combined to create a thicker batter.

If your banana bread batter is very thin (i.e. it pours like a liquid) – It may be best to start again. By all means, try adding some self raising flour to thicken the mixture but the results of the baked banana bread may not be good. We’d recommend trying one of our deliciously moist banana bread recipes for better results.

What should banana bread batter look like?  Like this!

Banana bread batter in a large mixing bowl

Top tips for making banana bread

Use ripe spotty bananas

Use overripe bananas where the skin is speckled with brown spots for the best banana flavor. Ripe bananas are sweeter, easier to mash and they will also produce a more flavoursome and moist banana bread. If your bananas are yellow rather than spotty, you can still use them but we don’t recommend using green bananas.

Add wet ingredients to dry

First mix your wet ingredients and sugar (mashed bananas, sugar, oil, milk and vanilla extract if using) until thoroughly combined. Then add in your dry ingredients (flour, cinnamon and add ins such as raisins, chocolate chips and nuts) to the wet mixture and stir gently until just combined. We like to use a large whisk.

Don’t over-mix the batter

For best results, don’t over-mix or beat banana bread batter as this can result in a flat cake with a dense texture. Once all of the ingredients are in the mixing bowl, stir just enough to combine the ingredients so that no pockets of dry flour are visible within the mixture.

We don’t recommend using a hand mixer or electric mixer/stand mixer for making banana bread because it is too easy to over-mix.  Banana bread batter can be ready to go in the oven in just 5 minutes with one fork, one bowl and a baking tin (like our 5 Ingredient Vegan Banana Bread).

Test the cake in several spots

Banana bread is best baked slowly at a low temperature to create a soft, moist crumb rather than a dry and crumbly cake. For a 2lb loaf tin, you will likely be looking at a bake time of 50-60 minutes.

Overbaking can result in dry banana bread. Underbaking can result in gummy banana bread.  Aim for ‘just done’ for a moist banana bread with a tender crumb.

Test for ‘doneness’ by inserting a skewer or small sharp knife into the cake (all the way to the bottom) in several places. If the skewer/knife comes out clean (or with just a few dry crumbs on it), the cake should be cooked. If you see wet batter then give it another 5 minutes of baking time before testing again.

A loaf of banana bread laying on a table, with two slices cut, revealing the soft, tender crumb of the inside of the cake. In the background are white flowers and ripe bananas laying on the table, out of focus.

How to make our super simple 5 Ingredient Banana Bread:

Arguably the best banana bread recipe on our blog, this easy banana bread recipe requires just 5 basic ingredients and 5 minutes of prep time to create a beautifully moist loaf of banana bread that the whole family will enjoy.

Head to the blog post 5 Ingredient Vegan Banana Bread for the full recipe card, tips and video.


350 g ripe spotty bananas (approximately 3 bananas, or 1.5 cups of mashed banana)

140 g soft light brown sugar

110 g coconut oil (melted and cooled to room temperature)

50 g dairy free milk (at room temperature*)

250 g self raising flour (or 250g plain/all purpose flour plus 2.5 tsp baking powder)


  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C fan (190°C conventional / 375°F / gas mark 5).
  2. Line a 2lb loaf tin (approx 23cm long x 11cm wide x 7cm high / 8” x 4” x 3”) with parchment paper.
  3. Peel the bananas and add them to a large mixing bowl. Mash them thoroughly using the back of a fork.
  4. Add the sugar, coconut oil and milk to the bowl with the mashed bananas and mix everything together.
  5. Add the flour and stir together until just combined.
  6. Pour the banana bread mixture into the lined cake tin and bake for approximately 50 minutes, until a knife inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean.
  7. Cool on a wire rack.

* Make sure your dairy-free milk and coconut oil are at room temperature. Adding cold milk to liquid coconut oil can cause the coconut oil to solidify, making it difficult to mix.

Serving and Storage

This 5 ingredient vegan banana bread is at its most scrumptious freshly baked but it is still great for a couple of days after baking (try toasting it and serving it with plant-based butter for extra yumminess!).

Store it at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 3 days.  Alternatively, you can also freeze it by slicing it, wrapping the slices in parchment or eco plastic wrap and storing them in a bag or airtight container in the freezer for up to 3 months.

What consistency should banana bread batter be?  Head to the introduction of this blog for more photos!

Banana bread batter in a bowl

Here are some deliciously moist banana bread recipes we think you’ll like:

Or get the recipe for our simple 5 Ingredient Banana Bread here.

I hope you found this blog post useful and that it has answered your question for “How thick should banana bread batter be?”. Please share it with someone you think will enjoy it too.

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Hi, I’m Tara! I’m taking you on a trip around the world in vegan cuisine and bringing the world’s most delicious dishes to your kitchen.